Data & evidence
The BACP makes use of the best available data and evidence to develop a shared understanding of the problems and opportunities in the catchment. This allows us to help partners effectively target action and funding where there will be multiple benefits for people, the environment and wildlife.
Additionally, we ensure our responses to consultations, and input to policy are informed by data and evidence. We are currently inputting to the development of the Local Nature Recovery Strategies, West of England Joint Green Infrastructure Working Group and West of England Natural Environment Officers Steering Group. The BACP also sits on the West of England Environmental Data Technical Advisory Group.

Key Data Sources:
The Catchment Based Approach data repository contains over 400 data sets covering various elements of the environment. Please ensure you read the user guide as this contains specific information on the license for each data set.
Environment Agency Catchment Explorer
This is the EA’s repository for their most up-to-date data. The data contained is principally Water Framework Directive Classifications and the reasons for water bodies not achieving good status (RNAGS). You can integrate data to a sub-catchment scale.
Environment Agency Main Rivers Map
Map of all England’s main rivers. From this, you will be able to explore all of England’s main rivers including the Bristol Avon. Some smaller rivers may not be included here.
Forestry Commission Map Browser
Interactive map containing national scale data, that includes targeting and scoring to identify priority areas for various aspects of the environment, including water and biodiversity.
Bristol Avon Fish Data Explorer
Interactive map of Fish data available for the Bristol Avon dating back to 1978. This data was used to produce the Bristol Avon Fish Recovery Strategy and draws on data from the Environment Agency, Wessex Water and Bristol Water.
In addition, we use more specific local data provided by partners that we can’t share due to licence restrictions. If you would like more information on this please contact us.
Environmental Services Evidence Report 2015
Since the production of this report in 2015 the data and evidence that was used have evolved and been updated. The above links are key sources of the most up-to-date data the partnership uses that are open-source and publicly available and we would direct all partners to look at these first.
BACP Environmental Services Evidence Review Technical Report
A report commissioned by the Steering Group in 2015 to help partners and stakeholders make more informed decisions on a range of water-related issues in the catchment.
BACP Environmental Services Summary Report
- A summarised version of the report
If you have any questions or need help with any of the data and evidence listed above please contact us: