Volunteering opportunities

BART Beacons
BART Beacons are the Bristol Avon Rivers Trust's eyes and ears on the ground. They are volunteers who are assigned their own designated patch in the catchment to monitor on a regular basis and communicate pass on any issues they might find. This helps to flag issues at an early stage and provides vital information to enable organisations to respond to any arising issues that may occur.
RiverBlitz is the annual citizen science event held by the Bristol Avon Rivers Trust (BART) that gives a snapshot of water quality and ecological health of the rivers and streams across the catchment. The event has been running since 2016, and is a great way for BART to scope target areas and influence future conservation projects.
Riverfly Monitoring
Riverfly monitoring is part of the national programme; Angler's Riverfly Monitoring Initiative (ARMI), which aims to involve anyone in monitoring and protecting their local rivers.
Practical Volunteering with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
A list of the current opportunities offered by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Water Team. Examples of the work you could be doing include: Fixing tree branches into river banks/beds, repairing eroded banks, installing gravel riffles, planting trees and wetland plants, and tackling invasive species. Please note some volunteering opportunities may be outside of the Bristol Avon Catchment.

Volunteering with Avon Wildlife Trust
This link provides a list of the current opportunities offered by Avon Wildlife Trust. Avon Wildlife Trust offers a range of practical volunteering opportunities. Examples of the work you could be doing include: tree planting, wildflower seed collection, scrub bashing and path works amongst much more.
If you have a specific Volunteering Opportunity you would like us to share please Contact Us.