About us
Catchment Based Approach (CaBA)
The Bristol Avon Catchment Partnership (BACP) is one of over 100 Catchment Partnerships across England delivering the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA). This is a Defra-backed Initiative seeking to improve partnership collaboration and deliver the targets set under the Government’s 25-Year Environment Plan to improve the water environment.
The BACP is also aligned and will deliver the statutory targets being developed via the Environment Act 2021, specifically focusing on the water and biodiversity targets that are captured within the four priority areas identified by the Government for the recovery of nature. We work collaboratively with partners and key stakeholders across the catchment to deliver the BACP’s aims and objectives, which can be found in our Catchment Plan (2022 - 2027).
Our Vision is for all rivers and water habitats in our catchment to be nature-rich, resilient and enjoyed by current and future generations

What we do
- Co-ordinate and facilitate partnership working, supporting the planning and delivery of action to improve the water environment
- Share information, expertise and knowledge
- Coordinate the co-design of partnership projects and programmes, providing support to secure partnership funding
- Enable a collaborative and informed approach to strategic decision-making that integrates the water environment with wider sectors
- Represent the Bristol Avon Freshwater environment within the region at other more local partnerships and groups
- Respond to relevant consultations and represent the BACP nationally through engagement with the Catchment Based Approach and wider national groups
- Our approach means our partners achieve greater benefits, for every pound invested in the freshwater environment of the Bristol Avon by central government there is £3.94 match funded through wider investment and volunteer time*, helping us to achieve our vision
*Statistic generated using CaBA 2022/23 reporting and 2022/23 Catchment Partnership Fund Data
The BACP takes pride in working with community groups and volunteers across the catchment recognising the importance and value of volunteer action and supporting a wide range of community projects, endorsing and enabling communities to adopt citizen science approaches where relevant.
To find out more about our work with Community Groups see our Case Studies Page, and for guidance, tool kits and advice see our Community Information page.